2010年8月13日 星期五


前陣子去參加慕尼黑日本文化節的活動時意外認識了一對老夫妻。兩個人大約都快 70 歲了。不過身體看起來還算硬朗。


花了大概一個多月就把基本功給教完了。沒想到上星期他很開心的跟我說,他發現他身體有改善。注意力無法集中的毛病改善了。睡眠時間比他老婆少了(之前都是老婆叫他起床,現在竟然是他起床還看到老婆在睡覺)。70 歲的老人家讓他下去練基本功竟然能有這様的改善實屬不易。也希望他能持續下去。

以下是他寫給我的 email,他本身是瑞典人,娶的是德國老婆婆。所以英文的功力沒那麼好,但我想也足以表達出練了基本功後身體的進步了。

Hello Chi Ming ,

You asked me to write you and your Friends in Taiwan my impressions from my Tai Chi & Exercises

You have taught me weekly since mid July and I exercise every 2 days for totala 3/4 of an hour.

I am in 2011 , 70 years feel often too tired, and have worked in several German Companies as a Manager to help foreign Companies -with start up in Germany( Automotive,Banking, Environment)

TAi Chi - this is my experince - in one month

- There are often good and less good days concerning my body and soul
but generally in this short time... I feel already better in these aeras:

- in the medium time run I am less tired than before- this is partly still my main problem but now I have good Hope

- my muscles and the bone joints get step by step stronger, my weight is down a little, and I have slowly-also a better physical &
psychological endurance also is my mentality now more relaxed an positive than before Tai Chi

- the fact that I with Diciplin regularly -in the same time -and in slow motion can get better in Tai Chi
& can exercise my body + relax and train my - mental powers - is very fine and important to me

-the daily fight for a clear healthy good goal is important, especially when peope like me - are in a higher age level

All - Thanks to you Chi Ming - we all world wide must succeed better in finding - good Balance -

best regards also to your wife and daughter from Michael.

3 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

棒,不但幫助人,也做了國民外交,你一定覺得很快樂吧!! Good..

PrinceLin 提到...


他本來以為台灣是泰國( 'Tai'wan and 'Thai'land) 有點開頭發音上的相近。加上我們自己國家放棄外交上的宣傳,外國人確實不容易搞淸楚。


Randall 提到...

有執行,影響力就會擴散.... 加油!